
Association meeting agenda

Hi everyone! Here is the agenda for the association meeting on the 7th of November. We´ll have choir practice as ususal and have the meeting during the fika break. See you there! Here is the agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Oc3DGVGvGH6odEe9mj3_oPRR2q6R2D2c/edit?fbclid=IwAR24_brmWtwgwT1NE7674_Dhlg_mYwvk_0m5PTcsdLa1gukmvcavkBEhKFE

Membership form reminder

Hi everyone! Please fill out this membership form if/when you have paid the membership fee for the autmn term:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwjqmgJ3_JpDAASn7b0aoMhotQYsSIp8pZA0IrOzbZT29-CQ/viewform Ribbit ribbit!


We will start singing at 9.30 on Saturday so be at Gullbrannagården at ca 9.15. On Saturday we will be served lunch and dinner and on Sunday we will get breakfast. We will end around 12.30-13 on Sunday. The plan is to focus on singing on Saturday and end with games and hanging out in …

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Start of the spring semester

It’s time to start singing again! New semester starts on 17th of January! Same place and time as usual: 18-20.15, Beartling Hall on campus. Hope to see you there!