
Let’s go!!

Starting next week the rehearsals are back on track! First rehearsal is in other words 15th of February at 18:00 in Baertling! If you have symptoms DO NOT come to the rehearsal!! If someone in your household have symptoms you may come to rehearsal, if that person have confirmed Covid-19 you have to stay home …

Let’s go!! Read More »

Postponed start for our rehearsals!

Because of the pandemic and spred of Covid the board have decided to postpone our rehearsals. Preliminary start will be the 1st of February.There’s audio files on the homepage to rehearse to until we can start our rehearsals. Hope to see you all soon! /The board


Hello everyone! Hope to see you tomorrow! As we’ve informed before we’ll have our association meeting tomorrow and also some rehearsal! BUT after the rehearsal we’re planning to buy pizza (the choir pays!) and have a nice time together so we hope that you’ll be able to stay for that too! /The board