Association meeting

Here is the agenda for our association meeting and also a suggestion to change the statues. Hope to see you on Tuesday and the meeting the week after! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i7IYiG_cQn7d7VhJ_37I4RqDT7Z17dtU/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115449578923198224449&rtpof=true&sd=true https://docs.google.com/document/d/12sQPnIBzO5a_MQ1vSOjHnx2We5vGYBicOD0-2ckoST0/edit?usp=sharing /The Board

Association meeting 210928

Time for our association meeting on 28th of september. Like we said at rehearsal yesterday, if you have a motion to give you need to send it to koormit@gmail.com at the latest Friday 17th of september at 12:00 (noon). “A motion is a proposal that is put before a meeting for discussion and a decision. …

Association meeting 210928 Read More »